How to Wear Two Hairs on Roblox Mobile



How to Wear Two Hairs on Roblox Mobile

To wear two hairs on Roblox mobile, you’ll need to use the Advanced section in Roblox Studio. Customize your avatar by combining hair assets through the Roblox website before using mobile.

Understanding how to personalize your avatar in Roblox enhances your gaming experience and showcases your unique style. The game’s customization options extend beyond simple outfit choices, allowing for intricate combinations of accessories, including the ability to layer two hairstyles. This flexibility to double-up on hair accessories has become a popular trend among Roblox players who wish to express their individuality.

Customizing Characters in Roblox Mobile

Users love applying a personal touch to their avatars, making their characters unique. With Roblox mobile, customization usually feels limited, but various tricks can help users stand out in the virtual crowd. Keep reading to explore how you can wear two hairstyles at once on Roblox Mobile and more!

Overview of Roblox and Its Customization Features

Roblox offers a bustling virtual universe. Here, players can create, share experiences, and be anyone or anything they can imagine. The platform’s customization options are one key to its popularity. Let’s dive into an array of features that allow for tailoring unique avatars:

  • Face and body: Choose from countless shapes and sizes.
  • Outfits: Mix and match tops, bottoms, and shoes.
  • Accessories: Add flair with hats, sunglasses, and more.
  • Hair: Select from numerous hairstyles and colors.

Importance of Personalization: Expressing Individuality Through Avatars

Your Roblox avatar represents you in the digital realm. It’s a way to showcase your style and personality. Wearing two hairstyles fringes on an advanced customization trick, showing off your savvy nature. This personalization offers benefits:

  • Connection: Friends can easily spot you.
  • Identity: Reflect your unique self in the game.
  • Enjoyment: Enhance your gaming experience with a custom look.

Limitations and Workarounds For Mobile Users

Roblox mobile users often face restrictions that aren’t present on the desktop. These range from interface differences to customization constraints. But, there’s good news. A workaround exists for mobile users looking to wear two hairs. Here are the steps to achieve this fashionable feat:

  1. Navigate to the Avatar section of the Roblox app.
  2. Access your inventory and choose the Hair category.
  3. Select your first hair choice and press ‘Wear’.
  4. Repeat the first three steps, choosing a second hairstyle.

Note: If a glitch occurs, clearing the cache or restarting the app can typically resolve it. With these steps, your mobile avatar steps out sporting double the hair, double the flair!

Understanding the Basics of Avatar Hair Customization

Understanding the basics of avatar hair customization on Roblox mobile is like unlocking a new level of personal expression. First, imagine each hairstyle as a wearable item, just like a hat or pair of glasses. Your avatar can show off your unique style. Think of your avatar’s head as a canvas. Now, you’re ready to turn it into a masterpiece!

The Standard Method of Applying Hairstyles in Roblox

Start by selecting your favorite hair from the Avatar Shop. Here’s what to do:

  • Open the Roblox app on your mobile device.
  • Tap on the three-dotted icon to access the menu.
  • Choose “Avatar” from the list.
  • Find the “Hair” section.
  • Select the hairstyle you love and tap “Wear”.

Your avatar will now rock that new look!

The Concept of Layering Multiple Hairstyles

The real magic happens when you mix and match different hairs. Layering hairstyles adds depth and character:

  1. Open the browser on your device.
  2. Go to the Roblox website and log in.
  3. Head to your avatar’s page, like before.
  4. Right next to the URL, you’ll see your user ID. Note it down.
  5. Now, browse for more hair and open the ones you pick.
  6. Copy the numerical part of the hair’s URL.
  7. Head to the Roblox Mobile Browser. Paste it in.
  8. Add the hair using your user ID and the item ID.

Your avatar can now flaunt double the style!

Limitations in Applying Multiple Hairs on Mobile Devices

Even though stacking hair styles is awesome, there are some mobile limits:

Device RestrictionsNot all mobile devices handle multiple hairs well.
App ConstraintsThe Roblox app doesn’t directly support layering hair.
ComplexityThe process can be tricky for new users.

Stick to the steps above, and even with these hurdles, you can still master the look!

Guide to Wear Two Hairs on Roblox Mobile

Expressing yourself on Roblox is part of the fun, and sporting two hairstyles at once is no exception! With this guide, you can easily achieve a unique look on Roblox Mobile. Follow these simple instructions to layer hairstyles like a pro.

Accessing the Roblox Avatar Editor on Mobile

Get started by launching the Roblox app on your mobile device. Tap the three dots menu icon to open your options. Choose “Avatar” to jump into the Avatar Editor.

Procedure For Combining Two Hairs Using Advanced Settings

  1. Select ‘Hair’ from your Avatar Editor to view your collection.
  2. Choose your first hairstyle as usual by tapping on it.
  3. Now, open Advanced Settings by tapping the gear icon.
  4. In the Advanced Settings, find and copy the ID number of your second desired hair.
  5. Return to the Avatar menu and open the ‘Body’ tab, then select ‘Skin Tone’.
  6. At the bottom of the screen, a bar to input an asset ID appears. Paste your copied ID number here and confirm.
  7. Both hairstyles should now be layered on your avatar!

Tips For Aligning and Positioning Different Hairstyles

  • Preview your avatar to check alignment as you layer hairs.
  • Choose compatible styles to avoid clashing or gaps.
  • Practice patience as some combinations may take a few tries to get right.
  • If the hairs don’t match, tweak the colors for a cohesive look.
  • Experiment with different hair positions for a custom look.

Know more: How to Snipe on Madden Mobile

Troubleshooting and Optimizing Your Avatar’s Look

Many Roblox Mobile players love customizing their avatars. But sometimes, accessorizing with multiple hairstyles can be tricky. Let’s troubleshoot common issues and optimize your avatar’s look.

Common Issues and Their Solutions While Wearing Two Hairs

Clashing Hairstyles: When two hairs won’t blend, try selecting styles that naturally layer. To fix this:

  • Open the avatar editor on Roblox Mobile.
  • Choose hairstyles with similar lengths and textures.
  • Apply them, checking for overlaps.

Item Conflicts: If other head items interfere, remove them before adding the second hair piece. Simply:

  • Tap ‘Avatar’ in the Roblox Mobile app.
  • Deselect any conflicting items.
  • Add your preferred hairstyles.

Adjusting Hair Accessories and Other Items For a Cohesive Look

Overlap Management: Ensure accessories fit perfectly with your hairstyles. Steps to follow:

  1. Review each hair and accessory for potential clash.
  2. Adjust the order of layering, if possible.
  3. Choose complementary accessories.

Color Coordination: Select items with matching or complementing colors for harmony. Apply these tips:

  1. Stick with a color theme for hair and accessories.
  2. Use the color wheel to find complementary shades.

Best Practices For Maintaining Avatar Aesthetics on Mobile

Simplicity is Key: Do not overload your avatar with items. Keep it simple:

  • Select up to two hair pieces that blend well.
  • Avoid excess accessories on the head.

Regular Updates: Keep your avatar’s look fresh with periodical updates. Ensure:

  • Current trends are reflected in your choices.
  • Avatar’s look remains consistent with the game’s theme.

See also: How to Make a Minecraft Server on Mobile


Sporting multiple hairstyles on Roblox Mobile can enhance your avatar’s appearance uniquely. By following the steps outlined, you’ve learned that expressing yourself creatively just got easier. Embrace the fun of customization and show off your dual hairdos with pride! Remember, a standout avatar is just a few clicks away.

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