How to Turn on Amazon Smile in App



How to Turn on Amazon Smile in App

To activate Amazon Smile in the Amazon app, go to the main menu, and tap ‘Settings,’ then select ‘AmazonSmile.’ Ensure the feature is enabled and select your charity of choice to start contributing with your purchases.

Amazon Smile is a philanthropic program that allows users to support their chosen charitable organization each time they shop, at no extra cost. This feature donates a portion of eligible purchases to the user’s selected charity. By using the Amazon app, shoppers can seamlessly integrate giving into their regular shopping routine.

Setting up Amazon Smile is a simple process, encouraging users to contribute to social causes without altering their shopping habits. The program’s growing popularity highlights the convenience of combining e-commerce with social responsibility. Unlocking the potential of every purchase to support charity, Amazon Smile offers a user-friendly approach to philanthropy for busy individuals, making it easier to make a difference while on the go.

About Amazon Smile

Introduction to Amazon Smile: Discover the joy of contributing to your favorite charity with every purchase on Amazon, all at no extra cost to you. Amazon Smile is a simple yet impactful program designed to support the causes closest to your heart. Enabling it within your Amazon app gives a new purpose to your shopping experience, allowing you to make a difference with every swipe and click. Learn how to activate the feature and explore its advantages, and witness the positive change you can bring about, just by shopping!

Understanding Amazon Smile and its Benefits

Amazon Smile is a philanthropic initiative by Amazon that turns your everyday online shopping into charitable acts. By using the Amazon Smile version of Amazon’s website or enabling it in the app, a portion of your eligible purchases gets donated to the charity of your choice. Here’s why making this switch is worthwhile:

  • Cost-free Contribution: Utilize Amazon Smile, and Amazon dedicates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to charity without extra charges to you.
  • Vast Charitable Network: Choose from over a million eligible 501(c)(3) public charitable organizations.
  • Seamless Shopping Experience: Access the same products, prices, and shopping features as on
  • User-friendly: Easy to set up and effortless to use, making charitable giving an integral part of your shopping.

The Impact of Charitable Giving Through Amazon Smile

Making a real difference with each online purchase is the profound impact of Amazon Smile. Not just for an individual, but for the charities that benefit from every sale. Here’s what that looks like:

  1. Strengthened Communities: Contributions aid in providing essential support and services, thereby bolstering community efforts.
  2. Supported Causes: Whether it’s aiding disaster relief or funding medical research, your purchases help advance the missions of diverse organizations.
  3. Extended Reach: With the collective power of millions of Amazon customers, small contributions aggregate to significant sums, making substantial impacts possible.
How to Turn on Amazon Smile in App

Setting Up Amazon Smile

Setting up Amazon Smile on your mobile app is a seamless process that allows you to support your favorite charitable organization with every purchase, at no extra cost to you. By activating Amazon Smile in the Amazon app, a portion of your eligible purchases will be donated to the charity of your choice. Follow this simple guide to ensure your shopping makes a difference.

Step-by-step Guide to Register For Amazon Smile

To get started with Amazon Smile in the Amazon app:

  1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to the main menu () which is found at the lower right-hand corner for iOS and the upper left-hand corner for Android devices.
  3. Scroll down and select ‘Settings’.
  4. Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose your charitable organization and then turn ON AmazonSmile for your account.

Choosing the Right Charitable Organization

Selecting a charitable organization is a decision that should align with your values and interests. To choose the right one:

  1. Within the Amazon Smile setup, you will see an option to pick your charity.
  2. You can search among nearly one million organizations to find the one you want to support.
  3. Once you’ve made your choice, confirm your selection.
  4. Ensure that the name and description match the organization you had in mind to avoid any mix-ups.

Remember, you can change the charitable organization anytime if you wish to support a different cause in the future. Be sure to review your choices periodically to ensure that your contributions are still aligned with the causes that matter most to you.

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Enabling Amazon Smile in the Amazon App

Amazon Smile is a program that allows you to support your favorite charity with every purchase you make on Amazon, at no extra cost to you. When you shop through Amazon Smile, a portion of your purchase price is donated to the charity of your choice. The best part? It’s easy to use and can be set up right from the Amazon app on your mobile device. Follow these steps to learn how to turn on Amazon Smile in the app and start making a difference with your shopping today!

Instructions for Turning on Amazon Smile on Different Devices

Turning on Amazon Smile varies slightly depending on the device you are using. Below are the instructions for enabling Amazon Smile on both iOS and Android devices:

  • On iOS Devices:
    1. Open the Amazon app on your iPhone or iPad.
    2. Tap on the main menu (☰) at the bottom right corner of the screen.
    3. Select ‘Settings‘ and then ‘Amazon Smile‘.
    4. Follow the on-screen instructions to select your charity and then turn on Amazon Smile for your account.
  • On Android Devices:
    1. Launch the Amazon app on your Android device.
    2. Press the main menu (☰) icon in the top left corner.
    3. Scroll down and tap on ‘Settings‘ followed by ‘Amazon Smile‘.
    4. Complete the setup by choosing the organization you want to support and enabling Amazon Smile.

Once Amazon Smile is activated, it will automatically donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to your chosen charity every time you shop through the Amazon app.

Troubleshooting Common Issues During Activation

If you encounter any issues while trying to turn on Amazon Smile in the Amazon app, here are a few troubleshooting tips:

IssueTroubleshooting Tip
Charity Not ListedEnsure that the charity is registered with Amazon Smile and try searching using different keywords or the full official name.
Amazon Smile Not Showing in AppMake sure your Amazon app is updated to the latest version. Check the app store for any available updates.
Unable to Enable Amazon SmileCheck if your internet connection is stable. Restart the app and try again. If the issue persists, consider reinstalling the app.
Amazon Smile Turns Off AutomaticallyAmazon Smile needs to be renewed every six months via the app. Ensure you follow the prompt to renew when notified.

By following these tips, most activation issues can be resolved quickly and easily, allowing you to support your favorite cause without any hurdles.

How to Turn on Amazon Smile in App

Maximizing the Impact With Every Purchase

Discover the joy of giving with every purchase you make on Amazon. Turning on Amazon Smile in your app is an effortless way to support your favorite charity at no extra cost to you. Every time you shop, a portion of your spend contributes to the cause you care about. By simply using the Amazon Smile feature, your regular shopping can become a source of support for those in need. It’s a win-win: you get the products you want, all the while making a positive impact on the world around you.

Best Practices for Regular Use of Amazon Smile

Maximize your charitable impact with every Amazon purchase by adopting these best practices:

  • Ensure Amazon Smile is always turned on by checking your settings regularly.
  • Bookmark your Amazon Smile-enabled page to make it your default Amazon entry point.
  • Share with friends and family; encourage them to participate in this simple yet impactful program.
  • Double-check if your selected charity reflects your current support interests, and update as needed.

How to Track Your Donations and Their Effects

Keeping track of your donations not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also ensures transparency. Follow these steps to stay informed:

  1. Visit your Amazon Smile dashboard regularly to see your total contribution.
  2. Keep an eye on communications from your chosen charity, as they often acknowledge and update on how your donations are being used.
  3. Engage with the charity’s reports and newsletters to see the direct impact of collective Amazon Smile contributions on their projects.

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Beyond the App: Other Ways to Support Charities Using Amazon Smile

While the convenience of supporting your favorite charities through the Amazon Smile mobile app is undeniable, savvy Amazon shoppers know that the opportunity to make a difference doesn’t stop there. Amazon Smile provides alternative methods to help users seamlessly integrate charity support into their shopping habits, all without needing to rely strictly on the app. Harness these additional platforms to make every purchase count towards your chosen nonprofit organization.

Amazon Smile and Browser Extensions

Amazon Smile isn’t confined to the app; it extends its reach via browser extensions. Extensions such as Smilematic automate the process of redirecting you to the Smile version of Amazon every time you shop, ensuring you never miss a chance to support your favorite charity. Here’s how to add a Smile browser extension:

  1. Search for ‘Amazon Smile browser extension’ in your web browser’s extension store.
  2. Choose an extension like Smilematic and click ‘Add to browser’.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate the extension.
  4. Shop as usual on Amazon, and the extension will automatically redirect you to Amazon Smile.

By simply setting it up once, every eligible purchase automatically generates a donation without any additional effort on your part. This is a fantastic way to boost your charitable impact.

Integrating Amazon Smile With Your Amazon Business Account

For those with an Amazon Business account, integrating Amazon Smile offers a chance to link your corporate purchases with social responsibility. Activate Amazon Smile on your business account and make philanthropy a cornerstone of your business model. Setup is straightforward:

  • Navigate to from your web browser.
  • Sign in using your Amazon Business account credentials.
  • Select the charity of your choice to receive donations from eligible purchases.
  • Remember to start your shopping at to ensure your purchases contribute to your charity.

With Amazon Smile activated on your business account, you can make a positive social impact while making essential business purchases. It’s an effortless integration that allows businesses to benefit from the platform’s vast selection while supporting worthy causes.


Activating Amazon Smile within the app is a breeze, enhancing your shopping while contributing to charity. With this guide, you’ll switch on goodwill in just a few taps. Start making a difference with each purchase; turn on Amazon Smile and shop with purpose. Techie Twist is your tech storyteller. In Tech Know-How, every article tells a story of innovation